Review Want to learn more about swarms of dogfish that hunt in a pack of up to 1000 sharks? Or about megamouth and goblin sharks? McGuires Sharks for Kids fires readers up with amazing photos and well-written descriptions that are informative and fun. This book will be a great addition to any science or sustainability class from 4th grade to college freshmen. Leave Sharks for Kids on your coffee table and you will learn amazing facts like Greenland Sharks have a chemical in their blood that acts like antifreeze. You will travel the world learning about different species and lives of sharks and leave with a deep understanding and appreciation of the interplay between shark and ocean health. --Suzanne Soule PhD Professor of Sustainability CSUCIThis book is engaging and exceptionally well written. David McGuire has captured the essence of why sharks are so unique in a scientifically accurate way. The perfect balance between scientific terminology and storytelling analogies that kids can connect to deeply. Davids passion for shark biology and conservation is contagious. Parents: this book will not only deepen your kids love for and understanding of sharks but it will also transform their interest into ocean conservation advocacy. A must-read for biologically and environmentally curious students of any age. --Gretchen C. Coffman PhD Senior Lecturer Department of Geography National University of SingaporeKids hear much about sharks but not enough. This book gives them a wealth of information written in an easy fascinating manner with drawings and photos. --Israel Drazin Author About the Author DAVID MCGUIRE is the founder and director of the nonprofit Shark Stewards whose mission is to restore ocean health by saving sharks and protecting critical marine habitat. He is a marine biologist and the writer producer and underwater cinematographer of several award-winning documentaries including an Emmy Award-winning series on a Philippines biodiversity expedition called Reefs to Rainforests. Meet the oceans apex predators with the Junior Scientists series for kids ages 6 to 9
Sharks come in all shapes and sizes from giant whale sharks the size of school buses to tiny dwarf lanternsharks only eight inches long. Sharks for Kids introduces you to these magnificent creatures through vivid illustrations and photographs of some of the biggest smallest and strangest sharks swimming the seas. In this top choice among sharks books for kids youll get to know goblin sharks thresher sharks and many more.
In one of the most engaging sharks books for kids youll discover tons of in-depth facts about some of your favorite sharks including what they eat how they hunt their life cycles and how people around the world are working to protect them. Youll also learn about how they see smell and communicate in the deep sea. Your underwater shark adventure begins here!
This standout selection among sharks books for kids includes:
So many sharks!?Check out all the wild information on a variety of species.
Age-appropriate?The content inside this outstanding pick among sharks books for kids is the perfect reading level for kids ages 6 to 9.
Unbelievable images?Sharks books for kids should have colorful photos and illustrations and this book delivers.
If youve been searching for in-depth sharks books for kids Sharks for Kids is a cut above the rest.